‘Discipline and Right Attitude is needed For Aviation’ An Interview With Prof. Sharmishtha Gosawmi, Global Aviation Academy

Global Aviation Academy is the specialized academy for Aviation. It is establish under Jayashree Charitable Trust. Global Aviation Academy is also recognized and certified by ISO: 9001-2008 Quality Management System Standard.  All Courses are recognized by UGC-AICTE-DEC. 

Global Aviation has come forward with an innovative practical oriented aviation courses that will meet the ever increasing demand of trained Aviation, Tourism and Hospitality professionals. Our institute endeavors to provide an exciting career path for the young and aspiring students with guarantee of bright working future with handsome pay packages.

Global Aviation Academy provides courses like B.Tech, B.COM, BBA in Aviation, MBA in Aviation, Diploma in Aviation, Hotel Management

what ? did you observed in their course list ? its BBA in Aviation !
shocked ? yes ! we were also had curiosity towards this program and there fore we went in their head office for inquiry. Prof. Sharmishtha Goswami gave a warm welcome and provided very important and usefull information about their BBA program in Aviation.

NAME : Prof. Sharmishtha Goswami

Institution : Global  Aviation Academy


1. Tell us about your self

Hello students i am Prof. Sharmishtha Goswami working as a Professor for Global Aviation Academy. I have completed my MBA in the field of Human Resource Management but the special attachment with Aviation Industry Brought me here. I have been working for Spice Jet as a cabin crew, serving crew and many more activity in the field of Aviation and just to share my experience and provide best skills of mine i have joined this institute.

2. About your College

Global Aviation Academy is establish under Jayashree Charitable Trust situated in Khargher, Navimumbai. Global Aviation Academy is also recognized and certified by ISO: 9001-2008 Quality Management System Standard. All Courses are recognized by UGC-AICTE-DEC. college is having excellent touch with Aviation Industry for the learning and placements. College also carries excellent Programs For Aviation Aspirants. College provides great practices and keep students ready to fly with the skills.

3. Tell us about BBA Courses Conducted By College

Global Aviation Academy provides BBA course in Aviation which provides a perfect Aviation package for students after their 12th. Many of the students don’t know what to do after 12th. some students end up on Aviation but there are so many programs which students may not be get it. there fore We Provides 3 years full time BBA course under Mahatma Gandhi University, kerla. This Course not only teaches student about Aviation but it also provides skills and training which polishes and groom the personality of the student. unlike the normal BBA specialization this program also carries specializations such as :

  • Cabin Crew
  • Ground Staff
  • Ticketing

4. What Should BBA Education Mean To Student.

BBA, specially in Aviation needs discipline. student must carry discipline. in form of skills and personality we teachers are there to groom them but discipline should be applied by candidate it self. here we make sure that student is not just theoretical strong but he or  she will have strong practical experience to reach on top. if we talk about life after BBA i will suggest students to get their write attitude and work in aviation industry for 2-3 years and then join for MBA programs which will add on more strength in your career.

5. When Did You Join This Profession? What Inspired You to Choose This Line ?

I am tied up with Global Aviation Academy since October 2013. as I allready described about my self I did my diploma in aviation because i always had a dream to fly. I even completed my MBA in Human Resource Management but the attraction for Aviation brought me again in Aviation sector again.

6. Tell Us About Your College Activities For Students

We provides more practical experience to our students there for every week we have competitions and programs for students some of them are : personality development sessions , field work , communication development programs etc. we are also connected with airports to provide a fair practices to our students.

7. Does Your  College Provides any Placement Assistance

Yes we have a good connection with the airports and aviation industry for better placements. we have 100% placement assistance for our students.


8. What Message Would You Like To Give To BBA Students

If you are looking for BBA degree make sure you have right attitude to choose this degree. Specially for Aviation Aspirants just bring Discipline in you and Aviation Industry will give you ample of opportunity just keep your self ready to take up challenges that’s the key of success here.




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