Here is a grim reality which you must all accept. India has the potential to be on top. The reason we are not is because we ourselves don’t know that we have what it takes to take on the big players like USA, GB, Germany etc. Now you may say that we have had considerable amount of growth and development, when I look at the broader picture I must say our growth is not even close to 10% of what we are capable of. We have the highest number of scientists, engineers, doctors but still we are only a developing country. I feel the following may not be an inclusive but an illustrative list of the reasons for India not developing as fast as Top Shots. (more…)
Irony of Success in Arranged Marriages
A couple of days ago I happened to stumble upon an article in yahoo that spoke about the different factors that form the foundations of the high success rate enjoyed by the institution of arranged marriages. Even though the factors mentioned in the theory were quite acceptable, I believe it only spoke the fair part of it, leaving behind the shaded part untouched. A few examples of the factors it mentioned were like right age, decent expectations, economic compatibility, advised choice, commitment etc. Like the well-known quote, there’s more to it than meets the eye lets dig deeper into this to know better. (more…)
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Law Case study on Offer and Acceptance (solved)
Cyber Pharma was manufacturing a medicine for cure aids. They advertise in international magazine saying that whoever consumes this medicines will not suffer from aids. Mrs. Mathew read this advertisement in the magazine and purchased she claimed for the reward of 10 million pounds as a compensation as promise in the advertisement can she claim? Will she succeed? (more…)
Hindustan Liver LTD. (HRM solved Case study )
Hindustan Liver Limited is a reputed multinational company. It considers selection as an event in the total process of acquiring and developing managers. The company believes that the selection process must be consistent with other events in the total process for it to be effective. Hindustan lever has been one of the most favoured companies by the prospective candidates for managerial position. The selection process of the company can be broken into three steps: such as- Screening of application forms, preliminary interview, and final selection.
(more…)Sans re course case study (Law solved case study)
A is holder of a bill he endorses it “sans re course” to B. B endorses it to C. C to D and D again to A :
- Can A recover the amount of the bill from B
- What are the rights of D
- Can A recover the amount from C and D or any of them
Case Study On Negotiable Instrument Act (Business Law Case)
By means of fall preference A has obtain from B a cheque crossed “not negotiable” he took that cheque to a bank (other than drawee bank) which paid it. B sues the bank for conversion.
- Has A committed any offence or irregularity. Under the negotiable instrument act.
- Is B entitled to get any relief?
- How will you decide the case
BBA Colleges In Pune
looking for BBA colleges in Pune ? Here is your list :